Upholding Consistent Standards
Improving Patient Safety
WSSMDA is Washington State's first organization committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety for the delivery of mobile office based anesthesia for dentistry.
Membership is open to all providers of anesthesia in dental offices. This includes physician dentist anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). Your membership in this society allows you to be involved and informed about legislation. We all need to work together to be sure these mandates are appropriate. Annual membership dues are $250.

Member Benefits
Receive a state recognized WSSMDA credential, which is added to a searchable registry of credentialed providers
Stay up to date with Washington State legislation regarding anesthesia in dental offices
Receive assistance in understanding the new DSHS billing system
Receive assistance with insurance billing, practice management, reimbursement issues, government affairs, etc.
Enjoy access to the most current standards, guidelines, statements and practice parameters pertaining to our practice
Gain members only access to documents including the required non-dental anesthesia provider/dentist contract, sample anesthesia records, and the required anesthesia provider evaluation form
Receive a SIGNIFICANT discount on the upcoming state mandated provider evaluation which will be required every 5 years
Receive reimbursement for performing on site provider evaluations
Gain voting privileges in Society
Receive group discounts on medical equipment
Discount for attendance at our annual meeting, and much more!
In the United States, the trend toward office-based anesthesia continues to grow at an exponential rate. Dental procedures performed under sedation or general anesthesia comprise a large portion of these office based anesthetics. As anesthesia providers in the state of Washington, it is our duty to advocate for the safety of our patients, and to strive toward excellence in all practice settings, including dental offices. While there are various guidelines and standards of safety for office based anesthesia, there is also a need for the utilization and enforcement of these standards in the dental office setting.
In early 2017, the Healthcare Authority (HCA) held a meeting with their contractors to discuss a need for the implementation of mandatory provider evaluations for those administering sedation and general anesthesia in dental offices. Following this initial meeting, the Washington state Medical, Dental and Nursing Commissions also expressed their interest in requiring provider evaluations. Recognizing that this was a unique opportunity to improve our practice and to better care for our patients, a group of dentist anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, and physician anesthesiologists started working together to assist our respective commissions in the planning and execution of these evaluations. As a result of this collaboration, the Washington State Society of Mobile Dental Anesthesia (WSSMDA) was formed.

Our Mission
To provide a formal credentialing process for mobile providers of anesthesia for dentistry.
To uphold the principles of safe delivery of sedation and general anesthesia in dentistry.
To promote good fellowship within the dental, medical and nursing professions.
To provide guidance to the Health Care Authority, the Dental Quality Assurance Commission, the Medical Quality Assurance Commission, and the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission.