Newsletter Archives
New Legislations for Anesthesia Providers in Dental Offices
The Medical Quality Assurance Committee (MQAC) is writing new legislation for outpatient anesthesia services. Dr. Todd Phillips will Chair our Committee for MQAC so that we can be represented at the meetings. Please email us if you are interested on being on the committee.
We need your input!
Andrea Fonner, DDS
Marlon Michel, MD
Walter Trautman, MD
Jennifer Tanguay, CRNA
Donald Lee, DDS
Kevin Gurney, CRNA
Ken Jaramillo, MD
Russ Paravecchio, DMD
Beau Perry, CRNA
Board of Directors
Washington State Society of Mobile Dental Anesthesia
The HCA has been meeting with all three commissions (Dental, Medical, Nursing) to discuss mandated provider evaluations for contractors. This is the impetus for the formation of our society. Your membership in this society allows you to be involved and informed about legislation. We all need to work together to be sure these mandates are appropriate for what we all do every day.
The Dental Quality Assurance Committee (DQAC) is going to mandate all general anesthesia permit holders to have an on-site provider evaluation. We have been involved with this process from the beginning. We have submitted a provider evaluation form for approval. Once it is approved, our society will be credentialed to provide evaluations.
society is formed
This is the first of its
kind merging the
interests of three
mobile anesthesia
provider groups
Email us at
We need your help!
We need members to serve on the
committees for the
Medical Quality Assurance Commission
Dental Quality Assurance Commission
Nursing Quality Assurance Commission
Please email us at
if you would to join.